10 Animated GIFs

Project 10 consists of creating a three GIFs that may be utilised for texting purposes when chating with others.

This ongoing personal project contains animated owl GIFs inspired by baby owls' cuteness, moods, and plumbobs of Sims 4. I have made these gifs for texting friends and family because I use similar animated GIFs/stickers to demonstrate the emotions/moods I have felt when texting.



Concept development and Storyboarding

I selected the first character design of my owl character because of its closeness to the features of an owl and the seedling on its head, adding some personality. Following this, I created storyboards based on the chosen character and moods (Angry, Sleepy/Asleep, and Flirty). Inspired by The Sims, I made the plumbob colours: red, dark blue, and pink to indicate the range of moods the owl can feel.

Process of creating GIFs

When illustrating these GIFs, I began sketching, processing toward lineart, adding base colours, and cell-shading. I used Procreate's animation assist to animate these GIFS and produced the movements frame by frame, setting the frame duration/rate to 2-3.


When researching for GIFs/Stickers inspiration, I was influenced mainly by The Sims and Honkai Starrail because these games contain moods/expressions that reflect the human experience. Additionally, I was inspired by the "cuteness" of the characters of Honkai Starrail and the stickers on WeChat, as these are stickers used for people (ranging from the younger generation to the older generation) to express their emotions in fascinating ways.